Recreational Use of Harbors

We, the Harbor Commission of Bainbridge Island, having studied the use of is and harbors for various recreational uses, conclude that water skiing and other similar sports have been an historic, water dependant activity and a healthy form of recreation and are among multiple uses that should be preserved.

While enjoyed by many, it is clear that high-speed use of the harbors has impact on other use of the waters and possibly on sensitive shorelines.

Each harbor has its own, specific concerns.

Accordingly, it is the intent of the Harbor Commission to establish a program to identify the concerns specific to each harbor and to educate the users thereof by means of the following:

1. An educational handout identifying the concerns and operating rules for each harbor will be prepared and available for public distribution.

2. A boating class will be offered by the HarborMaster and all individuals desiring to captain vessels in island waters are encouraged to attend. Repeat offenders will be required to attend.

3. The HarborMaster, working with the Harbor Stewards, will appoint a Water Ski Family annually for each of the harbors. Any problems relating to recreational activities which may arise should be communicated to the Harbor Master, Harbor Stewards, or Water Ski Family. (It is the Commission's hope that most problems can be dealt with informally at the local level).

4. Inner harbor limits for high-speed use will be established in Eagle Harbor, Manzanita Harbor and where appropriate. They will be marked with buoys and included in the harbor specific concerns and operating rules.

5. The existing water ski ordinance for Eagle Harbor will remain and be supported with additional harbor specific rules.