On this location there is now a stone with an inscription. It is for all of us to remember these events sixty years ago today, the loss of rights granted us as United States citizens. The courage of those who spoke out when it was unpopular to do so like our local newspaper editors Walt & Milly Woodward.

There were those among us who took advantage of the situation while others stepped forward and helped where they could. Some came back and others didn't. It is in the memories of those who were there to know and remember. It is up to those of us who follow to learn from that time and understand so we will not revisit the mistakes of the past and create a brighter future when faced with similar circumstances. Digging into the community as I do with this web site I am always trying to understand who we were and who we are today. It is not always pretty. I often consider how we would react as a community if faced with the uncertainties of an event such as the bombing of Pearl Harbor? I watch us and our government today. I see great advancements in technology, but I wonder; have we progressed all that much as a society?


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