"…. such a global-wide wake up call to how we do business as usual offers an unprecedented opportunity to examine many issues which have been buried by the rapid growth model of economic expansion."

Source Unknown

"….we don’t need to predict the future in order to prepare for it. The most important benefit gained from looking at alternative scenarios, drawing system maps, or auditing community resources, is the relationships we develop. Prepared communities are those that have developed open, trusting relationships, not those who have just stored away physical necessities. "

Margaret J. Wheatley


  1. Expanded worldview. Awareness of the interdependent networks that are the fabric of our lives.
  2. Awakened and/or renewed sense of leadership and activism.
  3. Opportunity for individual contribution of innate gifts and talents for the greater good.
  4. Building closer, more trusting relationships.
  5. Uncovering our deep need for connection with others.
  6. Opportunity to reassess and question cultural, social, and spiritual beliefs.
  7. Building personal strength and resilience during hard times. Finding one’s "source".
  8. Transformation of lifestyle, i.e. "simple living", voluntary simplicity.


  1. Building stronger, self-reliant, resilient communities.
  2. Awareness and expansion of local, county, state, and national resources..
  3. Expanded networking and information sharing.
  4. New avenues for people to people dialogue. Refining and improving methods of communication.
  5. Redefining community based on essential behaviors of tolerance, forgiveness, and compassion.
  6. Empowerment of youth leadership.
  7. Bridging the gap between generations.


  1. Exposure to more visible forms of healthy, resilient communities worldwide.
  2. Broader-based participation and support for alternative lifestyles.
  3. Illumination of the many dimensions of this modern life.
  4. Breakthrough investing practices and philanthropic re-orientation.

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